
Refine what it means to ‘give’ to charity.

I have chosen it because I think it is broad and a lot could potentially be achieved.
I want to see what I can achieve within a subject area in which I have not really covered before through my work.
I like using both type and image together and I think that could benefit my designs for the brief.

Create a compelling campaign that communicates asos.com’s brand values in an inspired way; and encourages men within our target market to visit, purchase and love the brand.

I think it is going to be a challenge for me to encourage more men to shop but it is something that I would like to try and achieve and I love the website and I want to try and help them out.
I want to successfully communicate to my target audience without confusion and I want to be straight to the point.
I think the syle of my work is quite simple and suits my target audience…I do nto want to create anything too detailed!

The Feel Good Drinks
Grab everyones attention and put a smile on their face by spreading some feelgoodness.

I would like to try to successfully promote a brand I don’t think I have done anything similar to this before.
I want to improve my advertising and brand promotion skills through this brief.
I think the light heartedness is going to enhance the way in which I work and I think my personality can communicate well through my work.

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